ID #1422

How do I set up my eMail account under Pegasus Mail ?

Pegasus Mail 4.1

Please select Tools“ -> „Internet options…“ in the Pegasus Mail 4.1 welcome screen 

The window „Internet Mail Options“ appears.

Select the „General“ tab and enter your eMail address.

Select the „Receiving (POP3)“ tab and click the "Add…“ button.

The window „POP3 mail download definitions“ appears.
Please choose the „New…“ button.

The window „Settings for retrieving mail (POP3)“ opens up.
Please enter the required data ccording to our defaults under the tab „General“.

Please click the „OK“ button.
You will see the „Internet Mail Options“ window again.

Configuring Pegasus for sending (SMTP) eMails is unfortunately not possible.

With this your Pegasus Mail 4.1 is configured and ready to retrieve eMails.

Tags: client, E-Mail, email, pegasus mail

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